Our team understands that working with insurance companies can sometimes be confusing. You can also depend on us to find ways to work with your insurance and insurance needs. We recommend that you call your provider to determine your level of coverage before you first visit.
Most insurance companies provide some coverage for physical therapy when prescribed by a doctor. When necessary, we are happy to work with patients to help defray the cost of treatment and extensive therapy.
We can help you submit any insurance claims in order to expedite the reimbursement process. Feel free to reach out to our team with any of your insurance or health care policy questions. Again, we are dedicated to helping our patients in every way possible.
Below are the links to some of the insurance companies, that we are accepting:
- https://www.medicare.gov/
- https://www.medicare.gov/
- https://www.dhs.pa.gov/providers/Providers/Pages/Statewide-Managed-Care-Map.aspx
- https://www.ibx.com/
- https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families.html
- https://www.keystonefirstpa.com/
- https://www.healthpartnersplans.com/
- https://www.pahealthwellness.com/
- https://www.upmchealthplan.com/medicaid/
- https://www.humanamilitary.com/beneficiary/
- https://www.ibx.com/
- https://www.aetna.com/individuals-families.html
- https://www.keystonefirstpa.com/
- https://www.healthpartnersplans.com/
- https://www.pahealthwellness.com/
- https://www.upmchealthplan.com/medicaid/
- https://www.humanamilitary.com/beneficiary/